
v1.11.9: Discord Server Making Assets Pack: Logos, Templates, Role Icons & More!

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v1.11.9: Discord Server Making Assets Pack: Logos, Templates, Role Icons & More!

409 ratings

Take your server to the next level with this huge collection of assets — including logos, role icons, headers, logo templates, and more.

To make a truly breathtaking server you need years of experience. Making even a decent server logo can take a while to accomplish. Headers may seem impossible to even imagine creating, especially with the added challenge of finding a font that even fits. Even coming up with role names can be a trivial task! The creator of this product, Aeno, knows this very well, having spent over 6 years making servers and still improving to this day!

With Server Making Assets Pack, you can save years learning how to create a beautiful server logo, make eye-catching headers, and especially designing role icons! Even advanced server makers often struggle with these.

With every asset made completely from scratch and with pixel-perfect care, Server Making Assets Pack is available in the form of a free 'Basic' edition and a premium 'Super' edition. Join over 10,000 passionate server makers who have downloaded or purchased Server Making Assets Pack.

Patch v1.11.9 released December 9, 2024 -> Added a statement to the terms of use regarding commercial use.

Let's see what the Server Making Assets Pack will provide you with:

Beautify your information channels and express yourself with over 2000 emoji:

Something as simple as an emoji can completely transform the look of your server and make it stand out from the rest!

  • No more walls of text — create beautiful lists with bullet points and subentries* (↳) in tons of shapes and colors;
  • Separate multiple sections of text or different topics with message dividers;
  • Express yourself with response emojis — from check marks to stars — or grab attention with signs such as 'NEW' or 'ALERT';
  • Say goodbye to static channels! Make your embeds dynamic and your reactions pop with animated emoji** — consisting of dividers, bullet points, and response emojis!

For clarity, there are no 'fun' emojis such as pepe emojis. These are for server making purposes only!

*Subentries are lines or brackets that expand upon bullet points, supplying the reader with further details. They serve a purpose similar to what you may call 'sub-bullets'.

Get the most out of your boosts with covers and over 270*** role icons**:

  • Spice up your roles and make your members feel special with tons of role icons for your staff, VIPs, boosters, bots, or even your muted members;
  • Branding is everything. Give your server a unique look and theme with covers (invite backgrounds / server banners)

Branding is everything save time and effort with templates and hundreds of premade assets:

You don't need a graphic design degree to make something breathtaking. At least not anymore, thanks to Server Making Assets Pack! Templates included are designed to give you the chance to make something unique to your server without the years of experience. Or, save time with premade assets!

  • Every good server needs a logo, and not something made in Paint. Choose from various unique logo templates or pick your favorite color from almost a thousand high quality premade icons;
  • Present your channels in an organized, eye-catching way with headers — separate messages or embeds and divide an information channel up into sections.

Spice up your channels with invisible spaces in the form of Characters:

With the use of special characters, we can space text and emojis apart in text channel names.

When using emojis in text channels, it is generally advised to space them apart from the text. This way you avoid squashed looking channels where the wording is not spaced from the emoji. You may also wish to space multiple words apart without relying on the default hypens (the lines that appear when you try to put normal spaces).

  • The special characters provided allow you to do both these things thanks to the invisible whitespace around them, giving the illusion of spaces.

The best designs require the right colors:

To make your roles and artwork stand out, you need to use the right colors.There are many colors and gradients that you can choose from in this pack. Role dividers require an exact color code to appear invisible, along with other UI elements such as user profile banners. These, however, vary between devices, making it hard to find the right color.

  • Choose the best colors for your roles and server artwork;
  • Select beautiful gradients, whether you prefer a vibrant, pastel, or dark look for your logos and designs;
  • Use included UI colors to create 'invisible' role dividers, embeds without color strips, or to make your user banner invisible. Whether you use dark mode or light mode, desktop or iOS, all the colors are ready for you!

Never run out of ideas for a role or server name again:

It can become a headache trying to come up with cool names for your roles or server, or even the channels inside. With the Thesaurus**, you can pick from an endless collection of a thousand words, including some you may have never even thought of! If you're feeling exotic, there are various foreign/translated words to choose from as well. Sometimes you just need to spice things up.

Catch eyes with the best fonts for your designs:

Finding the right font for your server’s logo, headers, or covers, can be a difficult task. There is practically an infinite amount of fonts on the internet, and narrowing down to the best is not easy. Save the hassle and explore a packed list of incredible, bold, and stylish fonts, that I have used over the past several years.

**Exclusive to the paid edition

***60 plus visual variations

Choose your Server Making Assets Pack

The Server Making Assets Pack consists of two editions:

  • The free edition, titled 'Basic', includes the essential assets, such as some emojis, editable templates, Characters, and premade icons.
  • The paid edition, titled 'Super', also includes assets for those who want to make their server the best it can be, such as a multitude of role icons, the thesaurus, and an impressive collection of bullet points and sub-entries available in multiple shapes and colors.

Please refer to the Basic vs Super edition comparison image to see exactly how both editions compare:

Compare Basic & Super Edition

Server Making Assets Pack includes, in detail:

  • Editable header template (4)
    • + Premade headers ** (44)
  • Editable server banner / invite background templates** (8)
  • Editable server icon templates*** (8)
    • + Premade server icons (780)
  • Custom made emojis (2281) ***
  • Role icons (273 (60 unique)) ** for leveling roles, VIPs, boosters, punished users, bots (includes various bot types), members, staff, owners
  • Colors (42)
  • Gradients (30)
  • UI colors (20) (includes dark mode, light mode, and iOS (midnight theme included)
  • Font recommendations (34)
  • Word thesaurus (1000) **

**This resource is exclusive to Super

***Some assets are exclusive to Super

Tip: Server Making Assets Pack also includes various guides. These help you to understand the purpose of, for example, the included bullet points and sub-entries, and how to use dividers.

Before you download or purchase Server Making Assets Pack, please read the terms of use:

Learn about free product updates, how you may and may not use this product, and more.

Terms of Use

Updated December 9, 2024

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43,460 sales

Make your dream server possible with Server Making Assets Pack! Are you ready to reach your server's potential?

📦 File size (Basic Edition)
131mb (207mb when extracted)
📦 File size (Super Edition)
364mb (573mb when extracted)
📁 File types
ZIP (download), PNG, PDF, PSD, TXT (Super Edition), GIF (Super Edition)
📁 File count: BASIC
📁 File count: SUPER
🌱 Current version
v1.11.9 (December 9, 2024)
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